3 Display & Signage Trends From 2023 From advancements in sustainability to LED light spectacles!

3 Display & Signage Trends From 2023 From advancements in sustainability to LED light spectacles!

As we start 2024, Displays Online is reflecting on the dynamic landscape of display and signage trends that have been instrumental in shaping the industry this past year. Amidst the ever-changing consumer needs, we recognize three key trends that stand out and are likely to have a lasting impact.

  1. Sustainability First

Amid the increasing emphasis on planet preservation, sustainability takes the lead as the foremost trend of 2023. The push to reduce environmental impact has gained momentum, and at Online Displays, we are actively exploring greener solutions. LED light solutions, reusable hardware, and recycled plastics are key components in our commitment to addressing the climate crisis. The broader industry is also witnessing an expansion in the use of renewable materials such as wood, cardboard, bamboo, and recycled plastics. Our eco-conscious journey extends to reviewing all available options and avenues for a sustainable future.

  1. Modular Tube Displays Transforming Exhibitions

A farewell to single-use shell schemes! The exhibition display landscape is evolving in 2023, with modular tube displays taking center stage. These displays offer reconfigurability and reusability for multiple shows, allowing for tailored presentations with interchangeable graphics. The appeal lies in their cost-effectiveness, time-saving attributes, and the ability to adapt to evolving needs. Keep an eye out for exciting developments from Online Displays in 2024!

  1. Rising Popularity of Fabric Tube Displays

Fabric tube displays have seen a surge in popularity due to their functionality, ease of assembly, and user-friendly design. The washable and reusable fabric sleeves make them an ideal choice for multiple events and shows. This high-impact, lightweight, and easily portable alternative has gained traction in various settings, including events, exhibitions, and retail environments. The range includes fabric back walls, hanging tube frames, counters, and LED varieties..

  1. LED Light Solutions Brightening the Future

The adoption of LED technology continued to shine brightly in 2023. Recognized for its sustainability and functionality, LED lights offer an impressive 80% energy efficiency compared to conventional fluorescent lights. Post-COVID-19, the demand for exceptional signage solutions has surged, with LED lightboxes standing out as effective in-store marketing tools. The high-quality visuals and eye-catching graphics make LED lightboxes a top display trend of 2023